Wednesday, June 15, 2011

BOS seeks to cut overtime at the jail in the new budget....LMAO

How is this going to be accomplished?  Overtime is required to staff our jail according to minimum safety standards while they are so short handed.  Will they just opperate the jail at an unsafe level to avoid overtime?

I understand that times are tough and that decisions need to be made....but understaffing the jail is not only unsafe for both inmates and staff but it's also illegal.

It would be much cheaper to hire more people.  But no one seems to be applying.....I wonder why.


1 comment:

  1. Here's my comment at the LCN.

    Pretty Good
    written by wichlaz, June 15, 2011

    Most of the budget looks great!

    But, how will it effect the budget when there is overtime at the jail anyway? It can't be eliminated right now because they are shorthanded. So, when overtime is paid, what will that do to the budget? Where will that money come from? Is there some sort of fund for unexpected expenses? Wouldn't it be easier to budget the overtime that's expected because of low staff levels?
