Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend, then and now...

From the online booking log:
arrests by LCSO Friday 5/28/2010    ZERO bookings
arrests by LCSO Friday 5/27/2011     TWO bookings

arrests by LCSO Saturday 5/29/2010   SIX bookings
arrests by LCSO Saturday 5/28/2011   SIX bookings

arrests by LCSO Sunday 5/30/2010     FOUR bookings
arrests by LCSO Sunday 5/29/2011     TWO bookings

arrests by LCSO Monday 5/31/2010    FOUR bookings
arrests by LCSO Monday 5/30/2011    THREE bookings

So, for the holiday weekend there isn't much of a difference.  Hopefully this means that Rivero has the officers actually doing their jobs on holiday weekends rather than being his PR agents.

1 comment:

  1. Other people are coming up with different numbers, but I went to to get the stats.
